Quality is a key priority of the Agency.
The success of any marketing research and return on investment is directly dependent on the reliability and quality of the data. Improperly collected data may lead to unpredictable consequences.
Systematic and the comprehensive approach to meeting the standards of quality within the company as a whole and each employee in particular - that's what gives us confidence in the reliability of our results.
To assess the quality of research work there are quality standards ISO 20252, developed with the support and collaboration with the association ESOMAR. Data quality standards include the logic and processes established and proven over decades of development and market research.
We have developed our own quality standards that meet or exceed the requirements and recommendations of the standards ISO 20252 and ESOMAR.
Agency staff: employees and interviewers
- The project manager is responsible for all aspects of ongoing research, including compliance with quality standards.
- Each interviewer undergoes regular training in accordance with the methods used in the company.
- Over 90% of our interviewers are permanent employees of the Agency and have years of experience in conducting interviews.
- Interviewers are selected according to their qualifications and experience to conduct specific studies. The sample is evenly distributed between interviewers as each of them has the ability to perform a limited part of the sample.
Sample design and data collection process
- An important component of ensuring the reliability of the data obtained is the motivation of respondents to truthful and complete answers. Comfortable conditions can be achieved in the interview, by stimulating rewards and gifts, reducing in the duration of the interview.
- Field stage always starts with a briefing for supervisors, who in turn instruct interviewers.
- Supervisors with years of experience in the industry maintain control of interviewers during the entire course of the project.
- In qualitative and quantitative research requiring prior recruitment, we recruit additional sampling of respondents in accordance with the conditions of the study.
- In on-line surveys using access panels we use only proven international market partners working with proven, effective standards who are experts in building accurate samples, with a deep understanding of human behavior on the Internet.
Technology and privacy
- We use only strong data security during storage, processing and transmission of information.
- Communication between the branches is provided via secure VPN-connections with a high level of encryption. All data is stored on our own servers, data integrity is ensured with regular backups.
- External communications are built on the Google cloud platform, one of the most reliable and secure in the world.
- We ensure full compliance with federal law # 152-FZ "On Personal Data". In accordance with federal law on information disclosure you can download privacy policy adopted in "MA Praktika LLC" here (Russian).
Operations and data collection quality control
- We use electronic resources like video and audio, photos and fixing GPS-coordinates of the interview. where appropriate, to ensure collected data quality.
- The client has the opportunity to attend briefings and interviews, CAPI locations are equipped online webcams. The client has access during the course of a particular study
- Triple control of data entry. All paper questionnaires requiring coding and data entry are initially tested, visual inspected, during which it is checked for errors and encoded. The resulting array is verified by statistical and mathematical methods. Visual inspection and commissioning carried out by our permanent staff.
- Each interviewer is independently verified. Control department does not have access to the results of the study. They evaluate the compliance of the conditions of the samples, the correctness of the interview itself and reaffirm the answers to basic questions. For inspection, we use a special control questionnaire, developed individually for each study. As a rule, we use the phone as a method of follow-up control.
- We control at least 20% of the interviews with uniform distribution. In some cases, the volume control can be increased up to 100%.
- Obtained during control actions information is systematized and used in the process of continuous quality improvement (CIP - Continuous Improvement Process).
European association of companies and organizations conducting market research and public opinion research (European Society for Opinion and Market Research - ESOMAR) has developed a document to assist you in choosing a contractor and research organization. The document is organized in the format of the check-list and is also known as "28 questions of ESOMAR».
PRAKTIKA answers to 28 questions of ESOMAR you can download here.
Original document «How to commission research» you can download here.
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