Marketing Research Fieldwork

  • Three own
    field branches
    in Russia

    Covering 20 regions via a reliable affiliate network

  • Own focus rooms

    Professional moderators

  • Survey programming
    and hosting.

Convenient, fast and reliable way to conduct
the field research
  • Quantitative and qualitative methods
  • Russia national wide coverage 
  • Three own branches
  • Predictable deadlines
  • Multistage quality assurance system

Contacting a Marketing Agency PRAKTIKA, we will provide and meet your marketing objectives, guaranteed. Thanks to our reliable quality management system you will not need your own checks.

All that is required to order - send materials for the upcoming marketing research, which will be handled by your personal manager for 4 hours. Fixed price will simplify budgeting. Our further communication will always be simple and fast.

Costs of research outsourcing are significantly less. Your savings up to 50%.

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we'll contact you shortly!