Praktika ID

  • Who is
    my customer?

    Everyone is different, everyone has their own needs, desires and requirements. With information about your customers, you will be able to correctly determine your product attributes and the best promotional strategy.

Investigate your products target audience

Identify the motivation for buying and the buying behavior

Checking the product to ensure it meets the consumers’ needs

Exact positioning of your product and evaluating opportunities to increase demand.

Identify your target audience

Identifying your target audience and determining your customer.

Studying the behavior and motivation to identify consumers

Learning how consumers relate to your product, competitors' products and why.

Download research brief

Action plan

Formulating hypotheses to determine your required segmentation

Identifying internal and external sources of secondary and primary data required

Gathering the necessary information

Analyzing the data and preparing detailed report

Results of the study what you get:

Segmentation of consumers into one or several types of segments - geographic, demographic, psychological, behavioral

Assessment of each segments potential

Recommendations for product development strategies


Studying open source (desk research)

Competitive Intelligence

Identification of demand


Qualitative methods

Monadic Concept

Paired-Comparison Test

Conjoint analysis

Research types

Personal interviews

Online Survey

Quantitative Methods

Getting data from open sources

Telephone interviews

Retail Audit


In-depth interviews

Focus groups

Home visits

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